August 17, 2010
Last month, I shared how important in-kind donations are to the women that live at Calvary. Just incase this is your first time reading Calvary Comments, or you’re an avid reader in need of a bit…
August 13, 2010
An example of how programs can change lives: “Say it Loud, Say it Proud: I Used to Be Homeless” from “Bringing health care to the homeless” on Cape Cod…
August 10, 2010
I passed by one of the large emergency shelters yesterday afternoon while walking back to my office. Standing outside, holding a trash bag filled with her belongings, was a woman who had lived at Ca…
August 9, 2010
A new report says a rising number of older women are losing their homes due to poverty and experiencing homelessness. In Seattle hundreds more could be sleeping on the streets if…
August 3, 2010
According to the National Institute of Mental Health, in any given year, one in four adults suffers from a mental disorder. This number is even higher amongst those who are experiencing homelessness,…
August 2, 2010
Under the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act, passed in 2008 but only now making its way into the workplace, treatment limits for substance abuse and mental health conditions such as depre…
July 27, 2010
There is something magical about Monday mornings. I know that may sound crazy, so let me explain. The weekend is over, and it’s back to work or school—back to the grind. Enter work day routi…
July 23, 2010
From CNN: The job market continues to recover as unemployment rates drop in 39 states. There was a lot of news regarding the vote for the extension of unemployment benefits. Here…
July 20, 2010
See if this sounds familiar to you: I know I should work out more. I keep intending to do so, but every time I set my mind to some new plan, something comes up. I am great at getting in my own way…