December 10, 2010
The Federal Government held a forum this week on the issue of homelessness among Veterans. These Pittsburgh women have found a fun way to raise money and awareness for women’s…
December 7, 2010
One way we work to empower the women who come to Calvary Women’s Services is through our Life Skills educational program. The topics taught in these staff and volunteer-led daily workshops range fro…
December 3, 2010
Planning on doing some holiday shopping this weekend? Why not add charity shopping to holiday shopping rituals! Take a look at what Calvary is wishing for this holiday season:…
November 30, 2010
Next to late season snow storms that keep the ski areas open through April, the month between Thanksgiving and Christmas is my favorite time of year. Everything smells better—evergreen, cinnamon,…
November 26, 2010
Local charities face increasing need around holidays: 5 myths about hunger in America: Just in time for Thanksgiving, a local philanthropist donated $5 mil…
November 23, 2010
Thanks to all who joined us for the Help the Homeless Walkathon on Saturday. This year marked Fannie Mae’s 23rd time sponsoring this outstanding event to benefit over 130 organizations like Calvary…
November 19, 2010
This week is National Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week. I hope you’re joining us for the Walkathon tomorrow! The poverty rate in the U.S. rose to 14.3% last year –…
November 19, 2010
The 2010 Help the Homeless Walkathon is tomorrow morning! I hope you’ll be joining us! For our final day of the Calvary Captain Countdown, we’d like to bring you one last story from a memb…
November 18, 2010
“Bring your kids, bring your dogs, bring your friends! There is no better way to spend a Saturday morning than coming together to help others (and have fun in the process).” Cindy Schwarz is a fir…