March 25, 2011
Many nonprofits are still feeling the impact of the recession: Food stamps and tax aid helped prevent thousands from falling below the poverty line during the recession. http://nyt…
March 22, 2011
Last Monday, Patrice from CommunPR coordinated The New You Project at Randolph Cree Salon on Capitol Hill for the women at Calvary. A team of stylists, manicurists, and a make-up artist pampered resid…
March 18, 2011
What the official unemployment statistics don’t take in to account: A new study shows domestic abuse often goes overlooked when victims seek treatment in emergency rooms: http…
March 15, 2011
Photo by Steven L. Miller At the risk of bragging, I will declare that as the development director at Calvary Women’s Services I have the best job in D.C. (There likely are a few other contenders, s…
March 11, 2011
Tuesday marked the 100th anniversary of International Women’s Day. There have been many advances in women’s health issues over the years, but where does the U.S. still fall short?…
March 8, 2011
Around this time last year, we brought you “Everything You Need to Know about Domestic Abuse in Four Easy Answers.” Now, we’d like to take the opportunity to go a little more in-depth. Continui…
March 4, 2011
D.C. has the highest percentage of people who are homeless. Find out more using this neat interactive map: An international look at how we define poverty: C…
March 1, 2011
Curious for some cold, hard facts about Calvary Women’s Services and the women who come to our doors? Here’s a look at Calvary, by numbers: Who comes to Calvary Women’s Services? Residents a…
February 25, 2011
HUD and the Department of Veterans Affairs jointly released an updated report on homelessness among veterans: The effects of domestic violence go beyond the abuser and the victim…