April 26, 2011

A Volunteer's Story

To wrap up Volunteer Appreciation Month, we have a special guest blogger today. Molly Cohen has been a dedicated overnight volunteer, spending over 35 nights in the past year at Calvary Women’s Shel…
April 22, 2011

Friday Round-up: this week in the news

With community-based mental health resources still dwindling, who takes over? http://wapo.st/eWBbQF Cutting jobs for low-income, elderly Americans could lead to rise in homelessness for a very vulner…
April 19, 2011

Celebrating "Hope"

Ten years ago, Calvary Women’s Services held the first Hope Awards Dinner to recognize people whose work – either volunteer or professional – lifts up our community.  At the time, one member of…
April 15, 2011

Friday Round-up: this week in the news

A shocking story – despite Florida’s laws against hate crimes targeting people who are homeless, some individuals are cruelly taken advantage of when they are most vulnerable: http://bit.ly/g0TBW…
April 13, 2011

Not Just a Job

The music in the church was loud and joyful.  There were tears streaming down the faces of family and friends.  There was a pride in the graduates’ steps that brought tears to my eyes as well.  S…
April 8, 2011

Friday Round-up: this week in the news

Women’s health funding is at the center of the potential government shutdown. For the latest: http://wapo.st/gCpClr NPR on hidden ways that budget cuts could disproportionately hurt women: http://n…
April 5, 2011

Healing Through Relationships

Today on Calvary Comments, we’d like to introduce the unique perspective of a new guest blogger who plays an integral role at Calvary. Therapist Angela Fowler-Hurtado, LICSW, LCSW, meets with women…
April 1, 2011

Friday Round-up: this week in the news

Good news on the unemployment front… no April foolin’! http://n.pr/gkaRL4 Although for some in the D.C. metro region, there is still a great need for support: http://wapo.st/f1zxAI Today…
March 29, 2011

Volunteer Appreciation Month Kick-off

Western Presbyterian meal volunteers There’s a famous quote by Mark Twain that “actions speak louder than words.” What is often left out of that great line is the second half—“actions speak…
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