October 21, 2011

Friday Round-up: this week in the news

The hidden effects of domestic violence on working women: http://wapo.st/pM09F3 Studies show slow progress on the treatment of mental illnesses around the world: http://n.pr/nSXqz5 A story about the…
October 20, 2011

The Calvary Captain Countdown Returns!

Today marks ONE MORE MONTH until the Help the Homeless Walkathon on November 19th. From now until the Walkathon, we’ll be doing our Captain Countdown again. Each week leading up to the walk, we will…
October 19, 2011

Giving Back

I was getting off Metro a few days ago when I ran into Sandra.  Having lived at Calvary a few years ago, Sandra now has a home, a job and a better relationship with her family.  But life is still ch…
October 14, 2011

Friday Round-up: this week in the news

Faced with budget cuts, Topeka, Kansas has decriminalized domestic violence and will no longer prosecute abusers. http://bit.ly/qjH95Y. But as one writer points out, the costs of this measure could b…
October 12, 2011

Geoff Tracy of Chef Geoff's Restaurants will…

Calvary Women’s Services is pleased to announce that Geoff Tracy of Chef Geoff’s restaurants has joined the Good Hope Kitchen: 100 Days to $100K campaign as the Honorary Chair of the campaign. Thi…
October 7, 2011

Friday Round-up: this week in the news

Sunday marked the beginning of Mental Illness Awareness Week. Here’s some interesting research from the National Institute of Mental Health about the global cost of mental illness : http://1.usa.go…
October 4, 2011

Iron Chef: Calvary

The first event for Calvary’s Good Hope Kitchen: 100 Days to $100K program was a great success! We are so grateful to all the supporters who made this possible. Michael James putting the finishing t…
September 30, 2011

Friday Round-up: this week in the news

Census data shows that DC’s poverty rate is the third highest in the nation: http://huff.to/pwbsxW. Maybe that has something to do with falling incomes across the country (http://bit.ly/nTM6md) or…
September 28, 2011

Local Chef Competition Held to Benefit "Good…

Local chefs, restaurateurs, and food critics gathered this Sunday in Alexandria to compete for the “Iron Chef Calvary” title. The event marked a successful start to the Good Hope Kitchen: 100 Days…
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