November 7, 2011

Calvary Captain Countdown – 12 Days Until t…

This week for the Countdown, we’re bringing you the stories of two Captains that have more in common than their enthusiasm for the Walkathon – they’re also sisters! First up is Liz Bolton: Liz (…
November 4, 2011

Friday Round-up: this week in the news

From the New York Times – “census data showing a big increase in the number of families living doubled up with friends and relatives suggests that another wave of homelessness may be in the o…
November 2, 2011

Calvary Captain Countdown - 17 Days Until the…

This is Abie Siegel’s second Walkathon. You may remember that she wrote us a great blog post to close out our Captain Countdown last year! Abie is excited to walk again this year because: “I love…
October 31, 2011

Calvary Captain Countdown – 19 days until t…

Susan on a recent Costa Rica vacation This is Susan Awad’s second Help the Homeless Walkathon. An evening volunteer, she walked last year after being recruited by Calvary’s volunteer coordinator.…
October 28, 2011

Friday Round-up: this week in the news

The White House reports on poverty: For some with mental illnesses, it’s not only finding a job – but finding the right job – that’s important: “…
October 26, 2011

Calvary Captain Countdown – 24 days until t…

Stacie Haselberger is a first-time walker for Calvary. She heard about the Walkathon after becoming an overnight volunteer this summer. Why did she decide to become a Calvary Captain this year? “I w…
October 25, 2011

Students at Hart Middle School will Learn abo…

On November 3, students at Hart Middle School in Southeast DC will take part in a mini-walk to benefit Calvary Women’s Services. Prior to the walk around the school’s grounds, students will take p…
October 25, 2011

It's Domestic Violence Awareness Month

In honor of Domestic Violence Awareness Month, we’d like to take a moment to get our Calvary Comments readers up-to-date on domestic violence in America, and right here in Washington, DC. Around thi…
October 24, 2011

Calvary Captain Countdown - 26 days until the…

Last week, we started off the Calvary Captain Countdown with a first-time walker. Today, we’re bringing you the story of a seasoned Walkathon veteran: Tabitha (middle) alongside the top fundrais…
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