November 18, 2011

Friday Round-up: this week in the news

The big news for the day: the 24th annual Help the Homeless Walkathon is tomorrow! We hope to see you on the National Mall tomorrow for the walk. Join Calvary’s team and we’ll have donuts and cof…
November 18, 2011

Calvary Captain Countdown - the Walkathon is…

Melissa Maybe will be joining us tomorrow for her second Walkathon. She first became involved volunteering at Calvary’s annual Hope Awards Dinner, and was also a Captain last year. Melissa (far left…
November 17, 2011

Calvary Captain Countdown - 2 Days Until the…

Cornella Chambers first found Calvary three years ago and has been involved as a meal volunteer ever since. She’s especially proud to be able to support Calvary during this exciting time for the org…
November 16, 2011

Calvary Captain Countdown - 3 Days Until the…

Natalie (far right) and friends in front of the carousel at last year's Walkathon At this year’s Walkathon, Natalie Sorkin is looking forward to “getting together all my friends from differe…
November 15, 2011

Calvary Captain Countdown - 4 Days Until the…

Samantha Custer first got involved with Calvary as a Life Skills volunteer. A member of the Georgetown Women in International Affairs, she co-led the group’s participation in Friday Fun Activities.…
November 14, 2011

Calvary Captain Countdown – 5 Days Until th…

Angela Jones has been volunteering with Calvary for the past six years. She started out as a meal volunteer, but has branched out to volunteering for overnights and life skills classes as well. She…
November 11, 2011

Friday Round-up: this week in the news

In honor of Veteran’s Day, a study about veterans who are homeless – on average they stay homeless longer than others: You can listen to an NPR story about this here: NPR h…
November 9, 2011

Calvary Captain Countdown – 10 Days Until t…

The other half of the Bolton sister team, Katie, with the story of how she and Liz first got involved with Calvary: “In 2005, my sister (also a Captain!) was looking for volunteer opportunities…
November 8, 2011

Thanks to Calvary’s Mini-Walkers!

The AAUW mini-walkers Over the past month, over 300 people have taken part in mini-walks for Calvary Women’s Services. You may be asking yourself, “what exactly is a mini-walk?” Hundreds of mini…
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