December 14, 2012

Friday Round-up: this week in the news

HUD reports steady overall homelessness rates from 2011 to 2012, though numbers of homeless in DC have been continually growing over the last few years: Good news – the number…
December 11, 2012

Cutting the Ribbon at Calvary’s New Home

On Sunday, Calvary officially cut the ribbon to open our new, state-of-the-art facility on Good Hope Road in Anacostia. As you may know, Calvary began this expansion project back in 2010 as a respons…
December 11, 2012

Calvary Women's Services Holds Ribbon-Cutting…

On Sunday, December 9th, local nonprofit Calvary Women’s Services held a ribbon-cutting ceremony to officially open their new, state-of-the-art facility in the Anacostia neighborhood of Southeast Wa…
December 7, 2012

Friday Round-up: this week in the news

There’s been a recent drop in government donations to food banks, what does this mean for hungry families during the holiday season? Domestic violence arrests rise in the Dist…
December 4, 2012

We Moved!

It brings me great pleasure to let you know that Calvary Women’s Services has moved into our new home on Good Hope Road! This past Friday, our Calvary Women’s Shelter and Pathways programs…
November 27, 2012

Holiday Give Back

You can make a difference in the lives of homeless women this holiday season. Join members of Congress and business leaders at a special holiday reception to support Calvary’s programs. Proceeds fr…
November 23, 2012

Friday Round-up: this week in the news

Calvary was featured in Washington City Paper’s 2012 charitable giving guide “Give it Up, D.C. – 70 local nonprofits that are worth your time and money.” Worsening hunger problems…
November 20, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving from Calvary!

With the holidays right around the corner, many of us are reflecting on the things we are thankful for at this time of year. On Thanksgiving here at Calvary, we are always grateful for the fantastic v…
November 16, 2012

Friday Round-up: this week in the news

It’s Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week. Are you getting involved? There’s good news and bad news: homelessness among veterans is dropping, but barriers still remain in the effort to solve th…
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