June 21, 2013
“As other newly minted graduates in Fairfax County and throughout the region focus on the beginning of adulthood and a path to living independently, Kanu and Winland already know all about living o…
June 20, 2013
Last night there was a special event at Calvary to celebrate an extraordinary donation. The Heart of CAbi Foundation chose Calvary as one of five winners nationwide for their spring Mother’s Day Cl…
June 20, 2013
Calvary Women’s Services – which provides homeless women with both housing and services to empower independent living – announced today receiving a donation of more than 150 brand new clothing i…
June 17, 2013
Calvary Women’s Services was featured today on WUSA 9’s Hero Central – a segment that highlights those who give of themselves to help others. Hero Central is hosted by longtime Calva…
June 14, 2013
“Such research points to the idea that stress leads to a stunting of brain development in children of low socioeconomic backgrounds.” How Poverty Might Change the Brain (CNN) “Researchers on th…
June 11, 2013
Thursday evening, board member Adam Hemphill hosted a group of Calvary donors and volunteers for a reception to say “thank you” for their support! As a healthy rain started to fall, guests gather…
June 7, 2013
“The conference featured around 150 invited attendees including mental health advocates and patients, educators, health care providers, faith leaders, lawmakers and local government officials from…
June 6, 2013
It’s an exciting day in Washington, DC – today is Do More 24, a regional day of online fundraising for nonprofits! The goal is to spread the word about all the great work that’s bein…
June 4, 2013
“I never thought I’d say it, but living at a shelter was the best thing that ever happened to me. I’m proud to say I was at Calvary. It set me free.” After many years of abusing drugs, Pau…