September 16, 2014
Have you heard the news? Calvary launched the Step Up DC Job Placement Program this month! We also welcomed a new staff member, Robinson Cook, who will oversee Step Up DC as our first-ever Job Develop…
September 12, 2014
Good health sometimes starts with gaining knowledge and asking a lot of questions. A group of four enthusiastic volunteers from the George Washington University School of Nursing are helping women inc…
September 9, 2014
One of the things that makes Calvary unique is the Life Skills, Education and Arts Program (LEAP), which happens every afternoon during the week. Women participate in classes that teach practical skil…
September 5, 2014
Grace Hansen started volunteering at Calvary in December 2013 and has logged an amazing 230 hours of volunteer service since then! She faithfully volunteers for overnight shifts almost every Monday ni…
September 3, 2014
National Recovery Month celebrates its 25th anniversary this month. Organized by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), this year’s National Recovery Month theme is…
September 2, 2014
Calvary Women’s Services announces the Step Up DC Employment Placement Program as a new addition to an array of support services for homeless women in Washington, D.C. Step Up DC will connect eligib…
August 26, 2014
Thanks to Calvary I’m finally learning who I really am. Terri*, a Calvary resident, has reached the other side of a painful past. She suffered trauma as a child, and as an adult experienced physical…
August 22, 2014
Calvary is known for its transitional housing programs and services, but we are also proud to help women achieve one of the most significant goals they set for themselves: permanent housing. Sister Ci…
August 19, 2014
Everyday purchases you make can translate into financial literacy materials, delicious dinners, one-on-one therapy sessions, a green garden and so much more for the residents at Calvary. Giving to an…