February 17, 2015

Calvary Women’s Services Participates in …

Hundreds of people from around Washington gathered in a church in Chinatown on Feb. 7 in support of a pressing need: affordable housing for all DC residents. Residents, staff, donors and volunteers fr…
February 10, 2015

Step Up DC to Host Career Fair at Calvary Wom…

Step Up DC will host a Spring Career Fair on Wednesday, March 25 to introduce women at Calvary Women’s Services to a variety of local job opportunities and employers. Launched in September 2014, the…
February 5, 2015

“Dear Beautiful Sister” Featured Among Gr…

“Dear beautiful sister…don’t be afraid. Your life is about to get better.” The most powerful conversations about homelessness happen when people who have actually experienced it get the chance…
January 29, 2015

Volunteer Spotlight: Nancy Arbuthnot

Nancy Arbuthnot brings a world of talents to LEAP (Life Skills, Education and Arts Program) and is always seeking new ways to incorporate them into a class that is fun, expressive and tied to LEAP’s…
January 29, 2015

What’s Cooking at Calvary: Peanut Butter Ch…

One evening at Calvary, Chef Barbara told everyone she was preparing a new baked chicken dish with a special sauce. “I bet you can’t tell me what you’re eating,” Barbara said. The chicken was…
January 27, 2015

Calvary Partners with Hair Cuttery to “Shar…

Sometimes a haircut can make a woman feel like a whole new person. Calvary Women’s Services is proud to partner with Hair Cuttery for their “Share a Haircut” program, which will provide…
January 22, 2015

Pausing for Poetry

PICTURE FRAME Such a nice and pretty frame Full of memories Laughter, Joy, Happiness Hidden in the image could it be Anger, Rage, Guilt or Shame Putting it up; please take it down So afraid of what t…
January 16, 2015

Her Greatest Blessing

Ramona will be moving into her own apartment this weekend after living in temporary and transitional housing for years. One of the things she plans on doing first is cooking food that she loves. Ribs…
January 13, 2015

Job Club Helps Take the Stress out of the Job…

The launch of the Step Up DC job placement program last fall created many new employment-related activities and opportunities at Calvary. One of the activities that has flourished since September is t…
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