April 26, 2016

15th Annual Hope Awards Dinner to Celebrate W…

Calvary Women’s Services will host the 15th Annual Hope Awards Dinner on May 18, 2016 and celebrate the accomplishments of women who overcome homelessness and empower one another to reach their goal…
April 19, 2016

Service Never Sleeps Fellows Join Calvary for…

Calvary Women’s Services has partnered with Service Never Sleeps (SNS) – a nonprofit organization with a mission “to transform communities by mobilizing young professionals to combat urgent soci…
April 14, 2016

Stepping Stones to Independence

Within the next few days Joyce will be moving from Calvary Women’s Services into her own private room. She will live among a new community of people who are committed to sobriety and making healthy…
April 7, 2016

Volunteer Spotlight: Yael Nagar

Yael Nagar is one of Calvary’s tried-and-true overnight volunteers. She heard about Calvary originally through Terps4Change, a volunteering club at the University of Maryland. Yael says, “Calvary…
March 24, 2016

Celebrating 15 Years of Giving Hope to Women

Calvary Women’s Services has seen many changes over the past 15 years. Thousands of women have lived at Calvary and moved on to their own homes after accessing services that empower them to make sig…
March 14, 2016

Angela’s Plans Pay Off

Angela attributes some of her disciplined attitude to the six years that she spent in the Army. She said that she joined the military right after high school for the experience, and to leave her comfo…
March 11, 2016

Professional Women Give to Calvary Women’s…

Nationally-known fashion designer Nina McLemore opened her upscale boutique in Chevy Chase, Md. last night for a reception to benefit homeless women living at Calvary Women’s Services. McLemore voic…
March 8, 2016

Calvary Voices on International Women’s Day

In honor of International Women’s Day today, volunteers and staff reflected on how they see women’s empowerment, equality and opportunity in their work at Calvary. Join our International Women’s…
March 3, 2016

Volunteer Spotlight: My Sisters My Friends

My Sisters My Friends is a community service group that provides volunteer support to organizations in the Washington region that focus on issues related to women, children, seniors, poverty, homeless…
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