February 9, 2021

Let's Be Strong(Her) Together

Help us be Strong(Her) together by completing one, two, or all of the Strong(Her) Challenges. Donate to the Strong(Her) Fund Donations are critical during this time. We are still spending an addition…
February 8, 2021

Corporate Partner Spotlight: CareFirst

Throughout this pandemic, our community has really shown up. Since March, Calvary Women’s Services has adjusted programming and safety protocols to ensure the health, safety, and wellbeing of the wo…
December 21, 2020

More Than Relapse Prevention

The RPG facilitator, Ms. Monroe, always writes inspiring messages and quotes on the board for the women at Calvary. Akeela starts a new job in January 2021. Reflecting back on her time at Calvary she…
December 16, 2020

Holiday Wish List 2020

You can make a difference and inspire hope in the lives of women who are working to overcome their homelessness for good. With the holidays approaching, we are in need of several items that will help…
December 10, 2020

A Sweet Connection

Catherine, the owner of the Bakers’ Lounge, had never heard of Calvary Women’s Services before November, and now she is one of the reasons that the holidays have been so special for the women at C…
August 17, 2020

In This Together

Since the first day of the lockdown, we knew that you would stand by our side when we needed you most. Over the last few months, we have been overwhelmed by the support we have received. It’s been…
July 8, 2020

Become a Partner for Tomorrow and increase yo…

Let’s be frank: the past few months have been hard on all of us. But for the women living at Calvary, it has been particularly perilous. For many of the women, much of the progress they have made to…
June 16, 2020

UPDATED: Urgent Needs Wish List

56% of the women living at Calvary have lost their jobs due to the pandemic. Without their income, even basic items that they need can become a new source of stress in their life. Calvary’s life-sav…
June 2, 2020

Our Commitment to Combat Racism and Promote E…

Calvary Women’s Services stands with those raising their voices across the country and in our city to oppose systemic and institutional racism and acts of injustice against Black Americans. We remai…
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