October 23, 2009
Monday of this week was International Day for the Eradication of Poverty. Read the statement by the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights here: http://is.gd/4r6fh Tackling homelessness will lead to…
October 20, 2009
"Before" shot of Maureen Maureen was homeless for over two years before she came to Calvary. In the last few months she has worked hard to make changes in her life, and now she is looking…
October 16, 2009
• Budget Cuts: The DC City Council has held two hearings about the funding cuts to homeless service agencies – including Calvary – and there is pressure to restore the funds. We will kee…
October 13, 2009
Many of the women at Calvary live with mental illnesses. Today is the first of many blog posts in which we aim to provide you with a better understanding of some common illnesses. First up: Schizophre…
October 9, 2009
Here’s all the news from this week: Mental Illness Awareness, Budget Cuts Updates and more! • DC budget cuts will impact families like these, can you help? http://tinyurl.com/ycx7wyr • A Washing…
October 6, 2009
We’re starting this blog to keep you—the volunteer, donor or casual non-profit blog surfer—in the loop about Calvary Women’s Services. If you don’t know already, Calvary is a non-profit orga…
October 2, 2009
A Note From Kristine Thompson, Executive Director The District of Columbia Department of Human Services slashed funding this week for some of the city’s most vulnerable women. Calvary Women’s Serv…
September 18, 2009
Please forgive our current appearance. Check back on October 6th for the official launch of Calvary Comments and expect regular updates every Tuesday and Friday to follow!
July 16, 2009
We’re starting this blog to keep you—the volunteer, donor, or casual non-profit blog surfer—in the loop about Calvary Women’s Services. If you don’t know already, Calvary is a non-profit org…