March 12, 2010
DC’s approach to homelessness- ‘It’s Still Big Buildings Full Of People’ Startling revelations about DC’s shelter for homeless families at DC General:…
March 9, 2010
The average woman at Calvary is 45 years old- an age when it is recommended that a woman should receive a mammogram yearly. However, many, coming off the streets or from other emergency shelters, have…
March 5, 2010
A story about youth homelessness – and the importance of building a bridge for former foster youth The Yale Hunger and Homelessness Action Project began a program to donate…
March 2, 2010
March is Women’s History Month, and the National Women’s History Project made “Writing Women Back into History” their theme this year. Their website says, “It often seems that the history of…
February 26, 2010
According to a study by the National Center for Family Homelessness, homeless children experience double the rate of learning disabilities as non-homeless children. This report from Medill Reports Ch…
February 23, 2010
Caroline shared her exciting news at a recent gathering of Calvary donors and volunteers. “I got a promotion in my job. I even have health insurance now. But I don’t know how to use it – a…
February 19, 2010
A New York Times article discusses new research showing that eviction is a particular burden on low-income minority women, often single mothers, who are vulnerable to losing apartments because their…
February 16, 2010
Many women at Calvary are survivors of abusive relationships, and many women and families become homeless because of domestic violence. In fact, through our Life Skills program we offer classes on hea…
February 12, 2010
There is a record number of those who are homeless in New York City. With the number of homeless children completely skyrocketing over the past two years. http://tinyurl.…