April 14, 2010

Amazing Women

The conversation was lively in the dining room at Calvary Women’s Shelter last week when we hosted a site visit from the Washington Area Women’s Foundation.  The Foundation’s Washington 100, a…
April 9, 2010

Friday Round-Up: This week in the news

Today, April 9th, is Global Health Day! This is an interesting editorial piece on not forgetting about the importance of mental health when raising global health awareness. http://tinyurl.com/y47ce2f…
April 6, 2010

Hope is the belief that she will achieve

Hope is holy. Hope is a desire. Hope is wisdom for poor people. Hope expresses faith in a better future. Hope is in her horizon. Hope is not beyond her reach. Hope is the belief that she will achieve.…
April 2, 2010

Friday Round-Up: This week in the news

DC’s Street Sense reports: Homeless Advocates Come Together for Solutions http://bit.ly/bL7wwm The nonprofit Fairfax Area Christian Emergency and Transition Services (FACETS) is piloting a program…
March 30, 2010

Finding Community in the Midst of Crisis

I sat with my uncle in the hospital waiting room the day my young and vibrant aunt had a mastectomy.  I held my friend, and held back my tears, before she was wheeled into surgery.  I’ve known the…
March 26, 2010

Friday Round-Up: This week in the news

Report finds rise in DC poverty to nearly 1 in 5 residents http://bit.ly/9coAOw Homelessness puts women at increased risk for rape and sexual assault http://bit.ly/cfLj3E 12-yr-old begins a 2,478-mil…
March 23, 2010

Thank You Colorado State University

When Megan Miller returns to school on Monday, she’ll no doubt be swapping spring break stories with friends.  But Megan’s stories will be much different than those of her fellow classmates at Co…
March 19, 2010

Friday Round-Up: This week in the news

A traditional soup kitchen is being converted into a culinary school to train those who are homeless for work as chefs, sous-chefs, etc. http://tinyurl.com/ykol2at On Wednesday, the Senate, with 11 R…
March 16, 2010

Taking Charge of Your Health

Women who are homeless often feel out of control, isolated, and unable to dictate the paths of their own lives. This is especially true when trying to navigate the  myriad  social services  around…
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