June 18, 2014

Take Part in Do More 24!

Join thousands of people who will come together to help transform the Washington, DC community! Tomorrow is Do More 24, a daylong fundraising project launched by the local United Way for nonprofits i…
May 5, 2014

May is Mental Health Awareness Month

During the month of May, advocates and activists come together to recognize Mental Health Awareness Month as a time to draw attention to mental illnesses and to encourage those who need support to se…
November 26, 2013

What's Cooking at Calvary: Turkey Vegetable S…

If you’re celebrating Thanksgiving and/or Hanukah this week, you’re likely to have leftover turkey or vegetables in the refrigerator. Luckily, Calvary Women’s Services’ savvy chef,…
November 19, 2013

Safe Housing is a Public Health Issue

National Hunger and Homeless Awareness Week began last Saturday, and in the District of Columbia, chronic homelessness in the District of Columbia remains a serious problem. In 2013, nearly 7,000 DC c…
October 15, 2013

What’s Cooking at Calvary: Chicken Parmesan

After a long, hot summer, the recent drop in temperature has been cause for celebration at Calvary Women’s Services.  For many folks, fall is the time when we start to crave warm, comforting foods.…
October 8, 2013

A Grant from the Walmart Foundation Launches…

We are so proud to announce that the Walmart Foundation has chosen Calvary Women’s Services to be the recipient of a $25,000 grant to be used for our new Nutrition Education Program! The Nutrition…
October 1, 2013

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month

Every October, advocates against domestic violence all across the nation prepare themselves for the kickoff of National Domestic Violence Awareness Month, which begins October 1. At Calvary Women…
September 10, 2013

Tai Chi LEAP Class Offers “Medicine for the…

What’s your favorite way to stay fit? Do you take a spin class at the gym? Maybe you’ve joined a walking group? For many women at Calvary, the new favorite fitness activity is Tai Chi. Over the su…
April 16, 2013

Mental Health Resources

Here at Calvary, our hearts go out to anyone affected by the bombings in Boston yesterday. We also understand that an event like this can have far-reaching effects, felt by those who may not even have…
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