October 14, 2011
Faced with budget cuts, Topeka, Kansas has decriminalized domestic violence and will no longer prosecute abusers. http://bit.ly/qjH95Y. But as one writer points out, the costs of this measure could b…
October 4, 2011
The first event for Calvary’s Good Hope Kitchen: 100 Days to $100K program was a great success! We are so grateful to all the supporters who made this possible. Michael James putting the finishing t…
September 20, 2011
Today on the blog, we have a special guest contributor. Janet Norris, the Case Manager at our Pathways program, reflects on the challenges and rewards of her unique role at Calvary Women’s Servi…
September 16, 2011
Jobs have been in the news a lot lately. Here’s Mayor Gray’s plan to create more employment opportunities in the District: http://wapo.st/qUq3a8. Poverty in the U.S. is growing, what does this me…
September 13, 2011
Here at Calvary last week, we marked the kick-off of a new initiative to get you involved with building our new home. The Good Hope Kitchen: 100 Days to $100K program is a grassroots fundraising oppor…
September 9, 2011
If you didn’t catch President Obama’s job’s speech, here’s the run-down of his plan to help unemployed Americans: http://nyti.ms/r3mD0G Speaking of jobs, there’s one available here at Calva…
August 26, 2011
Registration has started already for the 24th annual Help the Homeless Walkathon…and it was just announced that this is the last year the Walkathon will be held on the National Mall. To walk with u…
August 23, 2011
The weather is getting slightly cooler, it is getting darker a bit earlier, and the Red Sox are slowly slipping from their spot in first place. It can all only mean one thing: fall is right around t…
August 19, 2011
“Nationally, the number of homeless female veterans has doubled in the last decade, yet resources for them have failed to keep pace.” http://bit.ly/qm4nfW More and more D.C. area residents are st…