August 10, 2012

Friday Round-up: this week in the news

New voter-ID requirements could make it harder for people who are homeless to vote: Prices for “everything, including electricity, food, and medical care has outpaced the growt…
August 3, 2012

Friday Round-up: this week in the news

This article says ending homelessness should start locally – right here in D.C. What do you think? New York City’s guaranteed shelter policy attracts more homeless families…
July 31, 2012

Help Make a Home

With the renovations at our new facility on Good Hope Road almost complete, it’s an exciting time at Calvary. We’ve transformed an old, vacant building into a place that will give homeless women a…
July 24, 2012

No Room on the Bus

Women at Calvary often find expressing themselves creatively to be a way to heal from trauma and challenges they have experienced in their lives. Volunteers at our Life Skills, Education, and Art Prog…
July 20, 2012

Friday Round-up: this week in the news

Stories from last week’s White House panel on child and youth homelessness: One community in South Carolina saw five deaths from domestic violence in a week and local shelters…
July 17, 2012

Are You Ready for the Gorilla Challenge?

The Gorilla Challenge, a nationwide competition, will be held in D.C. on July 21 and we’re excited to say that they’re teaming up with Calvary Women’s Services.  In addition to holding an excit…
July 13, 2012

Friday Round-up: this week in the news

Men and women with mental illnesses “are especially vulnerable to heat-related illnesses and death.” Another risk during the hotter months – incidents of domestic violence…
July 10, 2012

Lessons from a Calvary Intern

by Lizzy Appleby My name is Lizzy Appleby, and I am Calvary’s Health and Wellness Intern!  For a little background, I’m originally from just north of Chicago, and next year I will be a senior at…
July 6, 2012

Friday Round-up: this week in the news

This recent D.C. heat wave puts people who are homeless at risk: Tips on staying healthy in extreme temperatures: Helpful summary of the ways the Affordable…
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