March 22, 2013

Friday Round-Up: This Week in the News

“In the District of Columbia, minimum-wage earners need to work 132 hours per week, 52 weeks per year, in order to afford a Fair Market Rent of $1,412.” In D.C., Three Minimum Wage J…
March 15, 2013

Friday Round-up: this week in the news

“Ten by 20. That’s the most ambitious goal laid out by the Comprehensive Housing Strategy Task Force…” Gray, Task Force Unveil Proposals for Affordable Housing (Washington C…
March 13, 2013

Meet Our New Development Staff!

Megan Gamble recently joined Calvary Women’s Services’ staff as a Development Associate, focusing on communications and events. She joins the fundraising team in their work to keep Calvary’s ser…
March 8, 2013

Friday Round-up: this week in the news

“The percentage of women among sheltered veterans increased by 1.8 percentage points between 2010 and 2011 and by 2.3 percentage points since 2009.” Today we celebrate Inte…
March 1, 2013

Friday Round-up: this week in the news

“A shortage of affordable housing for larger families with four or more children is a big factor behind crowded conditions at the District’s main family homeless shelter…”…
February 26, 2013

Soul Centering at Calvary

Janae reads a poem accompanied by guitar This past Friday, women at Calvary took part in a fun and inspiring celebration of music, poetry, dance, and self-reflection. The event was the culmination of…
February 22, 2013

Friday Round-up: this week in the news

A source of stress-relief for the 600 homeless children at D.C. General shelter: A “history” of homelessness in D.C.: What the sequestration may mean f…
February 19, 2013

Meet Our New Case Manager

Sheryl recently joined Calvary Women’s Services’ staff as our brand new Case Manager. She works one-on-one with women in our programs to help them set and achieve their goals. We are so happy to h…
February 15, 2013

Valentine's Day Crafts at Calvary

In honor of Valentine’s Day yesterday, women at Calvary took part in a great arts and crafts project as part of our Life Skills, Education, and Arts Program (LEAP). Calvary case manager Sheryl led a…
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