February 5, 2014
by Elaine Johnson At Calvary, we’re so fortunate to count the Junior League of Washington among our long-time friends. The Junior League has generously supplied many years of game nights and meals…
January 31, 2014
“They said that ongoing efforts to reform Medicaid in the commonwealth should be given time to bear fruit before expansion is considered.” Va. House Members Say No to Medicaid Expansion (Washing…
January 24, 2014
“Something is deeply wrong here, and we need to step back, take a look and listen.” Petula Dvorak: Devastating toll of mental illness demands our attention (Washington Post) “Even as the United…
January 14, 2014
We’re so pleased to announce our newest staff member, Sheryl, to you on the blog today! Sheryl joined Calvary Women’s Services last month as a case manager. Our case managers work closely…
December 27, 2013
“The bulk of D.C.’s new owner-occupied housing will need to cost under $400,00o (in 2011 dollars) in order for the new workers to be able to afford it … As for rental housing, the vast maj…
December 20, 2013
“The minimum wage in the District would increase to $11.50 per hour by 2016 under a bill approved by a D.C. Council committee Monday afternoon.” D.C. Council committee passes minimum wage increase…
December 6, 2013
“’Hearing that there’s somebody out there going through something that you can really relate to is so important, Choo said.” The holidays, mental health, and the gift of storytelling (MinnPost…
December 6, 2013
Cindy, right, watches on at last December’s ribbon-cutting ceremony. We’ve still celebrating our one-year anniversary at Good Hope Road on the blog! We’ve heard from our Operations…
December 5, 2013
As you may have read in yesterday’s blog post, our move to Good Hope Road was no small endeavor for our residents, staff, volunteers, and other friends. Peter, a dedicated overnight volunteer at…