March 3, 2014
Despite the continual snow flurries that have persisted this winter, March is here, and warmer weather is just around the corner! If you’re itching to take your fitness back outside this spring, you…
February 28, 2014
“A lack of partitions . . . created an environment in which families with young children had insufficient privacy when changing and sleeping, ruled Administrative Law Judge John P. Dean.” Judge’…
February 26, 2014
“When I came to Calvary, I knew this was my chance to better myself.” Monica moved to the Washington, DC area with her sister, but after a death in the family, she was left alone. She explains, …
February 24, 2014
Last Saturday, members of the Calvary community, including members of our Board of Directors, donors, and other friends, let out their inner poker shark at Laughing Man Tavern in DC for the 3rd Annual…
February 21, 2014
“By proposing legislation to the council, Gray will throw the issue back to his four leading challengers before the primary, forcing them to consider a possible means of easing the homeless crisis.…
February 19, 2014
Katie started volunteering with Calvary as an overnight volunteer last summer, and has already logged 270 hours of volunteer time! We love working with Katie because she is kind, reliable, and consis…
February 14, 2014
“’It really changes your perception of the problem of homelessness and the people who end up being homeless,’ said Cooper.” Anderson Cooper: How I see Homeless People Now (CBS) “Studies esti…
February 10, 2014
It’s a common goal for many of us to aim for better health at the start of a new year, and in Calvary Women’s Services’ latest Life Skills, Education and Arts Program (LEAP) class in Nutrition E…
February 7, 2014
“According to their agreement, half of excess surplus funds will go to the Housing Production Trust Fund, the city’s primary mechanism for building and maintaining affordable housing.” Affor…