Friday Round-Up: This Week In The News

“People are homeless for a wide variety of reasons, a good number of which are at least partly and often largely beyond a person’s control . . . even people in relatively sound financial footing are not immune to a series of unfortunate events that can lead to homelessness.” 6 Myths and 1 Truth About Homelessness in the United States (Policy Mic)

“He called his campaign, in collaboration with the Community Partnership for the Prevention of Homelessness and the Transitional Housing Corporation, ‘a call to arms’ for everyone involved to help locate apartments that can house homeless [people].” Gray Announces Program to Locate Housing for Homeless Families (Washington City Paper)

“The bill would effectively restart a key aid program for long-term unemployed workers whose jobless benefits went beyond state limits, which are about 26 weeks with some variation for each state.” Senate reaches bipartisan deal on unemployment benefits extension (Washington Post)

“’You can bring the food to people’s doorstep and make it affordable. But if they don’t know how to cook what’s available, in the end, you haven’t changed anything,’ she says.” Advice for Eating Well On A Tight Budget, From A Mom Who’s Been There (NPR)

“Through January, the number of families placed in shelter was more than double the figure from the same period last year, while the number staying in motels has increased tenfold.” No Place Like Home (Washington City Paper)

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