Friday Round-Up: This Week in the News
“[Poverty] sucks up so much mental bandwidth – capacity spent wrestling with financial trade-offs, scarce resources, the gap between bills and income – that the poor have fewer cognitive resources left over to succeed at parenting, education, or work.” The Lasting Effects of Poverty on the Brain (The Atlantic Cities)
“Once the immediate bruises and broken bones heal, there’s evidence that the majority of the 3 million to 4 million women who report a domestic violence incident each year, according to the American Medical Association, have an exceptionally high rate of health problems.” Domestic Violence Has Long Term Health Effects (ABC News)
“’We know it’s out there. It’s in our school,’ said the kindergarten and first grade teacher. ‘We need to be educated on the services that are out there for our families.’” Homeless Students Look to Schools for Support (Monroe News)