October 21, 2011
Friday Round-up: this week in the news
- The hidden effects of domestic violence on working women: http://wapo.st/pM09F3
- Studies show slow progress on the treatment of mental illnesses around the world: http://n.pr/nSXqz5
- A story about the challenges of being elderly and homeless: http://bit.ly/mUsWMp
- The country’s aging population and divorce rate puts many at risk for homelessness: http://huff.to/pwA0Lg
Calvary had our first mini-walk for the Help the Homeless program this morning. Thanks to all our walkers from Tier10 Marketing. The Walkathon is less than months away…have you registered yet? Visit www.helpthehomelessdc.org/goto/calvary to join the rest of our team on November 19.