Meet Our Board: President, Caitlin Sickles

Caitlin Sickles accepted the position of President of the Calvary Women’s Services (Calvary) Board of Directors in October 2024 after serving as Vice President for two years and as a member of the Development Committee. Caitlin has lived in Washington, DC for 15 years and is a senior principal in the Policy Resolution Group at Bracewell LLP where she works in strategic communications. She and her husband, Ryan, are kept busy by their two young sons and dog.

Calvary sat down with Caitlin to talk about her experiences and hopes for Calvary, both now and in the future.

 What drew you to Calvary Women’s Services, and how long have you been involved with the organization and on the board?

I’m proud that my employer, Bracewell LLP, is a long-time supporter of Calvary and that many of my colleagues at the firm have been involved with the organization over the years. I started supporting Calvary when my colleague and friend Dee Martin was on the board, and I’m thrilled to be building on her work and the work of others I admire in this leadership position.

I was drawn to Calvary for the organization’s commitment to holistic, wrap-around services that empower women to transform their own lives, and I am continually motivated by the tangible impact Calvary has in our city every day. I’m honored to be serving in my sixth year on the board and my third year on the board’s executive committee.

As our new Board President, what are some of your goals for the organization and how do you hope to see our community come together to empower women?

First, I am so pleased that our Good Hope Road building has been restored and reopened after a gas explosion in a neighboring facility seriously damaged our space last year. The Calvary staff worked tirelessly to ensure safety and continuity for the women we serve, and Calvary donors – corporate and individual – stepped up with generosity when we needed them most. With the support of our community, Calvary reopened even better than it was before.

I foresee Calvary continuing to grow in both our reach and in the depth of services offered, and continuing to lead with an innovative approach that addresses not just immediate housing needs, but also long-term stability through health, education, and job readiness programs.

Why do you think what Calvary Women’s Services does is so important?

Calvary is important because it provides a vital lifeline for the approximately 1,000 women who are experiencing homelessness every night in Washington, DC. The experience of homelessness is more than a lack of shelter; it often comes with layers of trauma. For example, domestic violence is a leading cause of homelessness for women. Calvary is there to provide safety, to help women heal and break damaging cycles, and to support them in setting a secure course for the future.

Our board members are leaders in their respective industries, who share their time and talents to make an impact in the lives of women experiencing homelessness in DC. How do you integrate your professional and philanthropic work?

I feel extraordinarily fortunate to live in safety and comfort, and I’m motivated by a deep sense of gratitude. It is important to me to dedicate my time and resources to playing a small part in helping other women find peace. I’ve also worked for the same firm, Bracewell LLP, for my entire career. One reason is that Bracewell deeply values community engagement and the responsibilities we have to one another. The firm’s enthusiastic support of my work with Calvary has allowed me to invest in this organization and the women we serve.

At Calvary, we often say empowered women, empower women. Who is a woman who has empowered you to pursue your personal, professional, and/or philanthropic goals?

My Bracewell colleague Dee Martin is an inspiration for me in many ways, particularly in her ability to lead with “yes” and make it happen. She has opened doors for me, encouraged me to take on challenges, and been a constant advisor and sounding board. I am also fortunate to have a mother and a sister with whom I am close and a great network of women friends who support and root for each other. Let me give a special shout-out here to my dear friends Ellen Satterwhite and Sarah Savoy who have attended countless Calvary events with me over the years and have regularly given of their own time and resources to support Calvary and me.

What is a favorite experience or memory from your time as a long-term Calvary support and Board member?

It has to be the Hope Gala. I love the gala for its ability to capture the spirit of community and generosity that drives Calvary’s mission. Seeing so many passionate donors, supporters, and staff members come together to celebrate the resilience and success of the women we serve is incredibly inspiring. The room is full of hope and optimism and the energy is electric. Every year, I leave (with a few auction items…) and ready to do more.


To learn more about Calvary’s Board of Directors, please visit:

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