Good Hope Grand Reopening Celebration: Welcome Back!

Calvary Women’s Services celebrated a significant milestone at the Good Hope Grand Reopening Celebration at the end of June! Held at our flagship housing site in Anacostia, the event marked the completion of renovations at Good Hope transitional housing site with enthusiastic supporters and staff members in attendance.

This joyous occasion highlighted the success of our Restoring Hope campaign, which raised over $500,000 to meet urgent client needs, renovate our building, and sustain our programs in response to the explosion on Marion Barry Avenue in January. “Just six months after an explosion severely damaged this building, we are standing here ready to reopen the program’s doors,” said Candace McLaren Lanham, President of Calvary’s Board of Directors. “You have all made that possible.”

Kris Thompson, Chief Executive Officer of Calvary, followed with heartfelt thanks to our dedicated supporters: “The true gift of this challenging time has been Calvary’s community – the incredible network of volunteers, partners, supporters, and others who came together to carry us through!”

Guests toured the extensive renovations of our largest transitional housing program, made possible by our partners at DAVIS Construction. The lower third of a majority of the walls in the basement were removed due to water damage, and several staff offices were gutted completely due to flooding that occurred. Visitors were able to see the new furniture, flooring, and walls in the communal space where our education and employment programs take place. They also explored the refurbished offices of case managers, therapists, and nurse who meet with residents on-site to provide individualized support.

Supporters also saw the newly installed windows and floors in residents’ rooms which had been previously damaged due to the force of the explosion. The restored rooms were enhanced with new furnishings and ready for residents to call home. You can view all the photos from this incredible celebration by clicking here.

We are excited to welcome 45 women home for the first time later this summer! These new residents are ready to transform their lives with access to a safe, stable place to call home. Case managers and other essential staff are also looking forward to moving into their refurbished offices the first week of July. Thanks to the swift, unwavering support of our community, this building will remain a place of hope for years to come.

Missed the grand reopening? Join us for a tour of Good Hope at an open house this summer! You can also support Calvary’s mission to empower women to end their homelessness for good by making a donation today.

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