Breaking the Silence: Calvary Honors Domestic Violence Awareness Month


Did you know that 39% of women and 25% of men in Washington, DC have reported experiencing some form of domestic violence? This alarming statistic underscores the harsh reality faced by many women in Calvary Women’s Services’ programs. As our nation marks Domestic Violence Awareness Month every October, we strive to illuminate this pervasive issue that often goes unrecognized.

At the core of Calvary’s mission is the provision of housing for women experiencing homelessness. In many cases, this involves offering a safe haven for women and individuals who identify as women who are fleeing domestic violence. This is especially crucial in the District, where 30% of survivors of intimate partner violence experience housing instability.

Recognizing the pressing need for more housing for survivors of domestic violence, Calvary has established New Foundations and Sisters Rise, housing programs uniquely designed to support women who are survivors of domestic violence.

Additionally, Calvary is an active member of the DC Coalition Against Domestic Violence, a federally-recognized statewide coalition of domestic violence programs, organizations, and individuals organized to ensure the elimination of domestic violence in the District of Columbia. Through this coalition, Calvary has had opportunities to advocate for policies that safeguard women across the DMV region and the entire nation.

This October, Calvary is committed to raising awareness about how domestic violence impacts the women in our programs. We’re kicking off the month with the 2023 In This Together Community Walk on October 7th, to unite our community and demonstrate our support for women experiencing homelessness and domestic violence. Through this event, we’re working to raise $40,000 to directly support our housing, health, education, and employment programs.

On October 19th, we invite you to participate in Purple Thursday, a national event where individuals wear purple to raise awareness for domestic violence. You can join the occasion by taking a photo wearing purple, tagging Calvary (@calvarywomendc) on social media, and using #PurpleThursday.

For those interested in learning more about domestic violence and how Calvary empowers survivors to break the cycle, we recommend exploring these resources:

Calvary Women’s Services stands unwaveringly against domestic violence and homelessness, striving to create a safe, stable environment where women can transform their lives. You can donate to support our mission here:

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