Case Managers at Calvary

In October, we celebrated National Case Management Week. National Case Management Week is all about appreciating the hard work that Case Managers do every single day.

At Calvary, we have the most dedicated and passionate Case Managers around! Throughout the week we highlighted some of our incredible Case Managers and shared their thoughts on why they do this important, life-saving work.

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July 2, 2024

Good Hope Grand Reopening Celebration: Welcom…

Calvary Women’s Services celebrated a significant milestone at the Good Hope Grand Reopening Celebration at the end of June! Held at our flagship housing site in Anacostia, the event marked the com…
August 20, 2024

In This Together Community Walk FAQs

Participants of the 2022 In This Together Community Walk by the Anacostia River Registration is open for the 2024 In This Together Community Walk! Join Calvary Women’s Services as we celebrate the a…
July 2, 2024

5 Ways to Support Calvary in July

Discover meaningful ways to make a difference this July by supporting Calvary Women’s Services! From supporting Calvary at Lost Generation Brewing Company to attending our Good Hope Open House, ther…