Women Combine Words & Art in Poetry Workshop

Poetry and writing workshops offered through the Life Skills, Education and Arts Program (LEAP) are consistently popular classes among women at Calvary. Over the last eight weeks, women have been exploring different themes and subjects, reading poems aloud and tapping into new sources of inspiration. During the class, women also decorated beautiful cards to display their work.

Mary Lou Rife, the volunteer who taught the class, said, “It’s been wonderfully satisfying to see how poetry can speak to everyone and be a catalyst for introspection, sharing memories and feelings, and focusing on identity. Women in the class achieved a real sense of accomplishment and pride, and I have had fun teaching again.”





“Ode to the Woven Bridge” by Deborah

(After a trip to the National Museum of the American Indian)

The woven bridge was a mystery to me.
Many hearts and hands, stretching across a span of time—
How long had it taken to create that woven bridge across running waters?
Held up for all the public to view, to cherish and see.

A bridge to carry you to the other side of the island,
building bonds as they go,
becoming one with their heritage and beliefs.
Strong hands and united hearts,
wild green forest,
sounds of rushing waters, as thunder clapping,
with the span of the bridge carrying them to the other side. 

Hands strong, faces worn, cords binding
The Incans or Mayans forging ahead to get to the other side,
The other side of that woven bridge.

It’s peace on that other side.
The work is done, there for all to view.


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