Volunteer Spotlight: Rev. Janae Moore

2014-03 janaeCalvary is truly lucky to count Reverend Janae Moore as a beloved member of the Calvary family. Rev. Moore a  has been involved in Calvary’s Life Skills, Education, and Arts Program (LEAP) for about five years. She leads a biweekly grief group called “Healing Heart and Soul” and is exceedingly gifted at helping each of the women to relax and come into themselves.

Calvary residents describe Rev. Moore as “a gentle soul,” “healing,” and “classy, wonderful, inspirational and insightful.” We couldn’t agree more! Thank you, Rev. Moore, for your many contributions to the Calvary community and for the encouragement you bring to the women we serve!

Why do you volunteer at Calvary? I love the women and want to support them on their life journey–one that requires caring, support, teaching, challenge, love and investment from others.

What do you like best about your work with Calvary? I like how the women get engaged and involved in their own healing by recognizing their own power and taking responsibility for their own choices. I love their transparency and the “raw truth” they are willing to share about their lives as they heal inwardly, grow stronger, and move upward and forward.

What has been your most memorable experience? Completing a 6-week contemplative group and holding a graduation celebration for the participants that included the live music of a saxophonist and guitarist, liturgical dance, poetry, food, sisterhood, and fun. The proud and excited look on the women’s faces made the effort and investment all worthwhile.

What has surprised you most about volunteering at Calvary? The depth of spirituality and faith that the women live by.

If you had to choose ONE word to describe Calvary, what would it be? Transformational!

Share a fun fact about yourself! I love zip lining, snorkeling, and being a new Nana (modern-day terminology for grandmother)!

LEAP volunteers like Rev. Moore lead ongoing classes for up to 15 participants that offer tangible skills and promote well-being. This is a great opportunity for skilled volunteers to share their knowledge—and a great chance to have a meaningful relationship with the women at Calvary. If you would like to learn more about volunteering at Calvary, please contact Catherine Bisson at cbisson@calvaryservices.org or (202) 678-2341.

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