Friday Round-Up: This Week in the News
“Something is deeply wrong here, and we need to step back, take a look and listen.” Petula Dvorak: Devastating toll of mental illness demands our attention (Washington Post)
“Even as the United States as a whole makes steady progress in its fight against homelessness, those gains are not experienced everywhere.” Is Your State Winning the Fight Against Homelessness? (ThinkProgress)
“McDuffie’s bill would require one-quarter of D.C.’s unreserved surplus funds to go toward the Housing Production Trust Fund, which goes toward providing financial assistance to non-profit and for-profit housing developers to build housing for low-income residents.” McDuffie Introduces New Affordable Housing Funding Bill (DCist)
“LinkedIn, which has 250 million members, usually charges companies a fee to post job opportunities, costing up to $400 for 30 days. But nonprofit organizations posting opportunities through the new marketplace will receive a 90 percent discount, the company said.” LinkedIn adds volunteer matching feature (Washington Post)
“Violators ranked lower get help to try to keep them from hurting their victims again.” Anti-Domestic Violence Initiative Working in High Point (WFMY)