Friday Round-Up: This Week in the News
“Seventy-seven percent of conference participants either agreed or strongly agreed that ‘people can’t always get the mental health services and treatment they need.’ Stigma and poverty were the biggest ‘mental health challenges’ identified.” DC mental-health forum underscores pressing need for youth services (The Washington Post)
“But there’s a perspective in terms of how they look at women, and what I think is the fact that you have to look at the brand of sexism that men manifest with different women . . . you have to really understand how they see women and how they respond to women.” Combating Domestic Violence: One Size Doesn’t Fit All (NPR)
“Researchers from the University of North Carolina and Duke University said the study of 1,000-plus veterans from the Iraq and Afghanistan era found nearly one-third had gone over their credit limit, written a bad check or been contacted by a collection agency.” Study: Lack of financial literacy may trigger vets’ homelessness (Stripes)