Why We Walk

This week, two members of Calvary’s staff will share why they’re walking with us at Calvary’s Help the Homeless Walk on October 27th. Today, seasoned Walkathon pro Kris Thompson, Calvary’s Executive Director, will share her favorite walk memories. Later this week, first-timer Lisa Buchs will tell us why she’s walking and what she’s looking forward to most at the Walk this year… so stay tuned!

How many years have you participated in the Walkathon?

This year’s Walkathon will be my 18th!

Kris thanks Calvary supporters at last year’s Walkathon

What is your favorite memory from a past Walkathon?

As Calvary’s Executive Director, I have always spoken to the Calvary supporters at the beginning of the Walkathon.  One year, in order to be seen and heard above the crowd, I had to stand on the rim of a trash can to speak.  Thankfully, I didn’t embarrass myself by falling in.

I’m not sure it’s my favorite memory, but I also always remember the year that I was 7 ½ months pregnant with my second son.  I don’t think I actually finished the Walkathon that year!

Tell us why you are walking this year (and why you are walking for Calvary)?

My family participates in the Walkathon because it’s an opportunity for us to make a financial contribution that will benefit the women living at Calvary Women’s Services and to be a visible presence for the need to end homelessness in our community.

Who else are you walking with?

The Walkathon is a family affair for me.  I’ll walk with my husband, two sons, and my brother and his kids.  Sometimes my parents attend.  We might even bring Lucy the dog this year.

What are you most looking forward to about Calvary’s walk at our new home on Good Hope Road?

I’m excited for Calvary supporters to see our renovated home and learn more about our new neighborhood.

What is your favorite thing about fall?

I love EVERYTHING about fall – cool weather, apples, pumpkins, post-season baseball, my birthday celebration, more apples…

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