October 5, 2012
Friday Round-up: this week in the news
- Just in time for Domestic Violence Awareness Month, Maryland announces two new laws to help protect victims of domestic violence: http://wapo.st/SYcDVl
- The high cost of domestic violence: http://nydn.us/OBkk8C
- “D.C. public housing officials said Wednesday that they are considering suspending the city’s waiting list for housing aid.” http://wapo.st/PYWlNA
- What do you think of this interesting new business model? A company promises to donate one bed, for every bed sold, to a person transitioning out of homelessness: http://huff.to/VbSUrm
- On storage program in San Diego for people experiencing homelessness: “It actually weighs these people down and perpetuates the cycle of homelessness because you can’t go to a job interview with all your worldly possessions on your back — who’s going to hire you?” http://bit.ly/T3VRnV