April 8, 2011
Friday Round-up: this week in the news
- Women’s health funding is at the center of the potential government shutdown. For the latest: http://wapo.st/gCpClr
- NPR on hidden ways that budget cuts could disproportionately hurt women: http://n.pr/gArZXp
- Last week, the Congressional Caucus on Homelessness hosted its first briefing of the 112th Congress. http://bit.ly/gqVQrw
- The latest on the controversial trend in hiring: “unemployed need not apply.” http://n.pr/ej5lO0
- An important move towards eliminating homelessness internationally: http://huff.to/gs3hRu
If the impending shutdown means you’ll have some extra time on your hands, why not start volunteering? To join Calvary’s volunteer team, contact Catherine at cbisson@calvaryservices.org.