Taking Charge of Your Health

Women who are homeless often feel out of control, isolated, and unable to dictate the paths of their own lives. This is especially true when trying to navigate the  myriad  social services  around DC. It can be so hard to take your life in your own hands, empower yourself, and gain confidence, which is why inspiring this confidence to live independently and take charge is one of our main goals at Calvary.

And this past week’s Life Skills class with the Capital Breast Care Center was no different. Tesha, from CBCC, came in to Calvary, and, in addition to making sure the women were very clear on the facts and risks of breast and cervical cancer, focused on “Taking Charge of Your Health.”

One of the best ways to ensure early detection of breast cancer is to give yourself a self-exam monthly. And Tesha made sure that each and every woman at Calvary knew the right time of the month and the proper technique to be used. She also stressed the importance of “knowing what you need, and making sure the doctor gives it to you.” If the doctor doesn’t automatically offer a mammogram or a pelvic check- ask. This was very helpful information for the women at Calvary- giving them the knowledge and information needed to take charge of their bodies.

Tesha also stayed on hand to answer questions, helping the women to understand complicated health insurance issues, where to find available providers and facilities, and other various ‘what to expect when you visit the CBCC or another provider’ details.

By the end of this session, two women who have yet to have a mammogram were signed up. They will be picked up by the CBCC outreach van on March 24th, and they, along with all the other session attendees, are prepared, armed with the right information, and ready to take charge of their health. Thank you CBCC for your continued partnership!

To learn more about the Capital Breast Care Center and the great work they do in the community check out their website.

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